best internet marketing service for your small businessToday’s companies and businesses have to be extra sharp and discerning as to how they budget and spend their advertising money, as well as clearly defining what segment of consumers that they are trying to appeal to. 


When considering all of the ways that brand exposure and reaching potential clients has evolved over all of the years of business, a look at the modern economy shows that the world is moving to internet marketing services as a way to advertise and get their name and product or service out in public.

But for companies and contractors that use these types of services for lead generation, what are the true benefits and differences of digital marketing and Homeadvisor Pro? To give readers a clearer understanding of what each of the two offers, a number of marketing gurus, professional tradespeople, and internet service watchdog reps recently consulted on a project to explain the real pros and cons of certain lead generation and advertising options. Here’s what was discussed:


What Does Homeadvisor Pro Offer on Its Site?

So the first thing to take into consideration in providing the information for this section is the fact that not every service that is claimed to be offered to professionals is always available, and sometimes there are certain conditions with certain membership level requirements or fees. That was the most common criticism and complaint that was attached to this issue.


Different Clients Serviced by Homeadvisor Pro

In theory, if all of the company’s services were all available and accessible at the same time, there would be a large number of individual services and business opportunities available to home and property repair and maintenance experts, as well as a number of other home service providers. Professionals and tradespeople such as:


  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • General Contractors
  • Inspectors and appraisers
  • Lawn services
  • Many, many others


Obviously, there are more, but that is the basic idea. Still, the fact is that all of these services and specialties, as well as the numerous others that aren’t listed oftentimes run into any number of problems when attempting to utilize the services of HAP. 


Poor leads, multiple other contractors and technicians bidding against them (some absolutely willing to drop their offer to a losing proposition for the client), as well as ever-changing terms and conditions and small, steady increases in costs and fees all make for a barrage of formal business complaints against companies such as this one or rival ThumbtackPro. 


Other problems included having issues with advertising that the client was paying to have displayed on the site. Many tradespeople suggested that the company was failing to properly and prominently display their ads and other purchased digital marketing as agreed to.


How Internet Marketing Service Differs

Now that a few of the many issues and questions that are surrounding the first subject of our report have been covered, it’s time to take a look at the alternative; internet marketing services. These can include anything from a few simple weekly tasks to large numbers of daily services.


The fact is that depending on which company a tradesperson or craftsman ends up partnering with they could have two or three assignments assigned to them such as social media management and mass marketing email campaigns, or any number of additional tasks including website design and construction, SEO content creation, and the list just goes on.


Customized Strategy vs. Standard Cookie Cutter Plans

Since a client or business has such a wide range of marketing and advertising options available to them online, ones which promote and bring exposure to their own business and website rather than having to compete with desperate contractors and unemployed handymen are much better equipped to develop more reliable leads that turn into a sale or service at some point.


Ones of the reasons that this is the case is because they have a customized and vision-specific strategy which the marketing experts at the company work hand and hand with the client as much or as little as they prefer to be involved in the process. This means they are targeting their exact intended demographics, as well as dealing with customers searching specifically for them.


You compare this against a standard, one size fits all plan of options list over at Homeadvisor, that offers different levels of membership, each with their own benefits and level of access to site leads and opportunities, and there really is no further discussion that should even need to be had as to which one is a superior service.


Advantages of Personalized Internet Marketing 

Internet marketing services have proven in countless studies spanning several years that they have become by far the number one source of introducing a company or service to the public, while also keeping their name in front of them after they have become familiar with it.


And of course, we have already discussed the ability to advertise in a manner that heavily focuses on the demographic and sector of the consumer market that the client is aiming for, as well as the fact that it offers an incredible array of available services and functions, more than enough to help build a local name and reputation, as well as an increased profit margin.


Steady, Agreed-Upon Fees vs. Questionable Marketing Practices

small business internet marketing service plansWe thought we would discuss this issue last, even though we would prefer not to have to discuss it at all. 

But the fact of the matter is that some of the watchdog group members, as well as individual craftspeople and other industry consultants, we spoke with all had either some familiarity or even personal experience with the issue of questionable business activity and advertising. 

With all the other problems that site is already facing with itself and the constant negative opinion of it among many professionals, doesn’t it make sense that they would be very cautious and vigilant in their actual business practices? 

It seems they have even struggled with this, and it is unknown as to what effect these allegations and accusations against them will have in the long run.

But when a client opts for digital services for their marketing needs, they will find a steady, transparent, and reliable partner in helping their business create and convert as many leads as possible as many ways as possible.