This can be a difficult task with so called marketing companies popping up by the hundreds every month. We know, you get 50 calls a week, all stating the same thing, first page Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Some promise 30 to 60 days or you services are free. That’s sounds like a great deal!!! ”not”
The truth about Search Engine Optimization “SEO”
Here is the truth, real search engine optimization takes time. We know that this is not what you want to hear, and at the same time it is the truth. When you are working with a real SEO company, they tell you this and they get results. It is not always quick, but the results are real and in most cases permanent!
We shouldn’t use the word permanent, in this case permanent means for a long time! When all the work is done properly and your company gets good rankings, it is very difficult for your competitors to match what has been done due to the fact that most so called SEO companies, really suck!
So who is the best SEO Company in Canada
The real question who is the best SEO company for Canadian Businesses. Let’s face it, many companies out there use certain keywords in their URL or website address to help them rank for that keyword. This works, but let’s be real, if we have to use keywords in a URL to rank for that keyword, we can’t be that good! Couple of things to look for in a company:
- What keywords are they ranking for
- Who are their clients
- Do they do website design
- Are they real webmasters
- Do they have customer service
- How big is the company, too big, they will never know who you are!
The best SEO company in Canada is the one who can rank a site for a keyword with any URL or web address. The online marketing industry is no different than any other industry, 97% of the companies out there are inferior to the top 3%. This is true for just about every industry on the planet.
I want to sit face to face and talk about my company
Our suggestion, use skype or some other way to get in front of the right people. In most cases just because a company is local, it will not always result in a good experience. Also, online marketing is just keywords, it has nothing to do with location of the marketing company or country they are located in!