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Search Engine Optimization Facts

The Facts About Search Engine Optimization

If you are hoping to see your company website reach high rankings in the major search engines, search engine optimization (SEO) is a key element for a successful internet marketing plan.

When people search the internet for a particular good or service, they usually do not exceed the second, or even the first page of listed results. This means it is absolutely necessary for your website to rank within these first pages, in order to generate traffic effectively.

The goal is to be listed as close to the top of a “search results” page as possible, for keywords or key phrases that people type into a search bar most often. The higher placement your website reaches, the more traffic you will ultimately attract to your site.

Search Engine Optimization was first used as an internet marketing strategy in 1996. SEO techniques continue to evolve, as do the algorithms of major search engines. SEO involves various steps, including the development of content rich pages for your website, that effectively use your targeted keywords.

Creactive Inc. provides custom websites with the necessary content rich pages to essentially grant you those rankings you hope to achieve. Our in-house content writers and web designers work closely with clients to ensure we deliver the correct message about your company.

We also list your company in 58 directories, many of which are specific to your industry. We offer paid advertising, including pay-per-click, and social media marketing to help boost traffic to your site rapidly.

Keep in mind that organic rankings do take time to achieve, but with proper methods, are always possible.


Why Is My Website’s Placement Important?

Using the internet to simplify one’s buying process is becoming more popular everyday. Each person surfing the internet for your particular product or service is another potential customer. To succeed in today’s competitive market, having a mobile-friendly website that is built to rank is crucial.

Simply knowing that people are searching the internet for a particular good or service you offer, proves that you have untapped business potential.

The only obstacle between you and your prospective buyers is your lack of a mobile-friendly website, or perhaps you have one that is not being optimized properly.

Ultimately, if you are not taking advantage of these search engines, you are losing business. Your competition online are companies that are taking advantage of mobile-friendly websites and effective SEO techniques, because these elements increase sales in today’s market.

So, Exactly What IS the Definition of SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a necessary component of your overall marketing plan that contributes to a high placement in the major search engine listings.

Ultimately, the goal is to generate a mass amount of traffic to your website, so your site must be listed within the first two pages of search engine results. This will happen successfully when someone types a word or phrase associated with your site, into the search box, and your site appears within the first ten to twenty sites in the organic listing section. The closer your site is to the top, for frequently searched words, the greater chance for people to find your business online.

Creactive Inc. is a specialist in this area, as we perform an analysis for any given business, or field of interest, to pinpoint which keywords your desired clients are using most often. We properly incorporate these keywords when composing content rich pages for your website. Your site will also be submitted to directories that are specific to your industry.

Explain Meta-tags!

Search engine spiders use meta-tags as a means to categorize web pages. Meta-tags are not visible on your screen, as they are embedded within the HTML code of your site. The most important meta-tags are your website’s title, and the description for each web page. The title tag can be located at the top of the browser. If you can write an attractive description, you may be able to draw more attention to your website.



How is my website submitted to search engines so I can achieve high placement?

If a company tells you they are “submitting” your website to every search engine worldwide, it is a myth. Your website is not submitted, but rather found by the major search engines (primarily Google, Yahoo, and Bing) when it has been set up properly.


Why Is Keyphrase Research Necessary?

Your target audience will tend to use specific words and phrases when browsing the internet for the goods or services you offer. There are countless phrases that may be related to your business, but only some are searched frequently enough to gain the traffic you want. Our job is to determine the terms on which to focus, in order to develop a solid marketing program.

The Big Question: When will my site appear on the search engines after being optimized?

Building and launching a custom website takes a couple of weeks. Upon launching your new site, we begin tracking how it is indexing, to verify that the website appears as a search result. We continue adding content, or editing the existing verbiage as needed, to heighten your placement. Our link building system also contributes significantly to your ranking, which is always an ongoing process. Depending on the competitive nature of your keyphrase, months of work may be required to achieve front page placement.

What is holding back my site from reaching top placement?

Search engines must classify millions of pages on a daily basis. When a search engine such as Google updates its result indexes, a site’s level of popularity is also taken into consideration. Every link back to your website plays a role in gaining higher placement. We align such links properly for you, so you may notice higher placement within a few weeks.

Again, the level of competition for the keyphrases we target will give a more accurate idea regarding how much SEO work needs to be done. Composing unique, authentic content is another major factor that will help your site rank.

A search engine’s goal is to put websites that display content worth reading in front of people searching the internet. If you can compose such content, you are on the right track!   

If I have already achieved a relatively high ranking for various keywords, can you help me improve them even more?

Of course! Your competitors, as well as the search engines’ algorithms are constantly evolving. We use a plethora of techniques designed to boost your listing, and bring high quality traffic to your site. We would be pleased to consult with you, and determine the best way to help you achieve your online marketing goals.

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