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What is an SEO Company

What is an SEO Company?


This is a great question, a lot of people get confused about whether they are working with a SEO Company or Marketing Company. SEO and Marketing are really two different things. There are a lot of companies that do just SEO, and some do just Marketing, and others perform both services!.

I know, you are still confused, so we are just going to explain what an SEO Company does and what affect it will have on your business if successful. Yes, we did say if it is successful! For those of you who have tried and SEO service at least once, twice, or even three times, you know exactly what we are talking about.

First things first, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is a process of affecting the visibility of your web page or website in a organic search on a search engine. A search engine just so happens to be a software specifically designed to search for info on the World Wide Web “www”.  There are hundreds of search engines, the main three are Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

How does Optimization Work?

When you optimize your website and listing for certain keywords or search terms when someone searches online your listing will be one of the first listing they will see. In most cases the first four listing get 30 to 40 percent of the searches. Very rarely does a searcher ever look on page two or three, so having visibility on page one for your main keyword can mean the difference between feast or famine!

An individual or business owner can accomplish this task by either researching on the internet the best practices and procedures for getting their website or business fully optimized for key search terms.  Or they can enlist the help of an search engine optimization company that they feel can get the job done right!

In most cases only the Top SEO Companies can achieve these top rankings for businesses and websites on the internet. SEO is extremely time consuming  and for most business owners it makes more sense to outsource this task to a qualified company.


How much should this service cost?

As a business owner you most likely get anywhere between three to five calls a day from SEO companies promising you front page results in 60 days or less for anywhere from $99.00 to $250.00! Well, anyone guaranteeing you in 60 days is complete BS! And if you think you are going to come up for the search term carpet cleaners for all of New York for $99.00, I have a nice bridge I would like to sell you!

The easy answer is for real optimization services, the price can range from $300 to $2500 a month and even higher for certain search terms geographical locations. I know, this sounds like a lot, and for many businesses it can be, but for those who get it, having one of the top spots for carpet cleaning for all of New York City can lead to early retirement!

Does my Business need Search Optimization?

I would always say yes, at the same time it depends on your goals and ambitions. Not every business owner aspires to be the biggest, or the most well known. If you are happy with not finding new clients on a weekly basis and feel that word of mouth is enough, then this is not for you. If you want to keep that pipeline full with new clients, then search optimization is a good choice. Here are the top five reasons you should want to be fully optimized:


  1. Having your business displayed on the top of the search engines for top key phrases can almost make you company recession proof!
  2. Most prospective customers do not go past page one while searching for a service or product.
  3. New prospective clients want to see you work displayed on a website or see other customer reviews.
  4. You can spend more time working instead of networking.
  5. More clients equals more revenue which then equals being quality of life!


I hope this article has shed some light on what a SEO Company is or does, please feel free to contact us with any questions, Thank you!

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