The world of PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising can be a very confusing one for the uninitiated. There is a lot to learn, much data to analyze, campaigns to tweak for greater effectiveness, and there is real money on the line.

If you are not familiar with PPC “Google AdWords” and how it works, then you genuinely risk losing your advertising dollars without getting a good conversion from your advertising.

PPC “Google AdWords” Explained

An AdWords campaign is a great way to get “instant” traffic to your website. Even a brand new website can get a lot of immediate traffic with a well-targeted PPC advertising campaign.

Essentially there are two methods of getting search engine traffic:

  1. Free organic search – This is where your website appears high in search engine results for chosen keywords and gets a lot of traffic by being top of the list.
  2. PPC – Similar to the free organic traffic except you are effectively buying the keyword placement so your website appears at the very top of search results for a specific set of keywords. These listings appear with the non-paid organic search results.

When an AdWords campaign is set up, a very short ad is created with a headline, message and website URL. The next step is to choose keywords for your ad. This is where you are targeting relevant keywords and phrases that potential customers might type into Google to search for a business like yours.

Selecting keywords costs money, and a minimum bid for placement with each keyword will need to be set. Some popular keywords will have higher bids placed on them by competitors to ensure they get top placement. Other less popular keywords will be lower.

Good PPC advertising campaigns are a balancing act, weighing up the cost of the advertising against the conversion rate and profits resulting from the campaign. PPC also requires constant monitoring and adjustment of bids, split testing ads to see what converts better, and analyzing data.

Done the wrong way and you could be throwing money away. But when done correctly, PPC “Google AdWords” is one of the very best forms of advertising available to businesses today. And it’s advertising that can get immediate results as soon as a campaign is launched and approved.

PPC Advertising Requires A Specialist

Pay Per Click is not for the faint hearted. There is an element of risk involved, that’s why it’s best left to experts to handle for you. Unless you are a guru, don’t try and handle your pay per click advertising campaign yourself. Enlist a specialist; a company who fully understands how the world of pay per click works, PPC best practices, can analyze the data and adjust the campaign appropriately to ensure the optimum return on investment.

Creactive Inc. Can Save You Money

ppc-google-adwordsAt Creactive Inc. we are specialists when it comes to setting up, launching and running PPC campaigns. Our years of experience and proven results will help to ensure your business gets conversions for your advertising dollar.

In fact, we can even save you money on your campaigns.

When we build a website for our clients, we design the landing page and content in such a way that it will actually save you money on your cost per click when running a PPC campaign. It’s all about the chosen relevant keywords. With the right keywords on your website – keywords that will drive organic traffic – those same keywords can be used in your PPC campaign when we run it for you. The chosen keywords will have lower bids on them, effectively saving you money on the cost per click.

Get in touch with a PPC expert at Creactive Inc. today to discuss how we can help your business thrive with an effective PPC campaign.

(714) 769-9001