top Digital Marketing serviceMany of our clients, and a large percentage of business owners out there are unaware of what exactly digital marketing is. Furthermore, they don’t understand that they are already participating in digital marketing. Digital marketing is simply an umbrella term for marketing your products or services using digital tools such as the internet, social media, digital advertisements and more.

The internet is still new to many of us, and those of us who work closely with it, still scratch our heads every day! Please don’t let this be discouraging. Just because those of us that are considered experts in internet marketing don’t always have the answers, we do know that the answers are out there waiting to be found. This is what separates us from the herd.

What are the Main Digital Marketing Techniques Out There?

There are many different marketing techniques available for all types of businesses. Below, we will talk about what we feel are the most effective services that pertain to small businesses.

  1. Search Engine Optimization(SEO): We believe that SEO is still #1 when it comes to marketing your company. 70% of people searching online for a product or service skip the ads on top and pick a business in the local map or organic section.
  2. Search Engine Marketing(SEM): This is the promotion of your product or service through paid ad search or pay per click( PPC) advertising. Most popular would be Google Adwords and Bing Ads. Everyday, PPC is becoming more and more effective and Google is trying to make this a have to for any business trying to grow!
  3. Social Media Marketing(SMM): Advertising on Facebook or Pinterest for many small businesses has really made a difference. Having the ability to get your product of service in front of potential new clients at an affordable investment is key to a small business’s growth.
  4. Email Marketing: Email marketing has its downfalls due to the excessive spam that people receive on a daily basis. At the same time, this is still very effective for educating your clients on specials, new products, company news, or upcoming events that they might be interested in.

There are many other forms of digital marketing out there like display marketing, ecommerce, and content automation. Digital marketing is now using non-internet channels like mobile phones (SMS) and (MMS) to deliver messages and keep in front of clients.

What Should I be Doing for My Company?

best Digital marketing ServicesThe answer to this is always dependant on your goals and desires. There is never a one size fits all approach when it comes to marketing for a company. Many of our clients work for themselves and don’t have any employees. So, investing $5,000 a month doesn’t make much sense. They wouldn’t be able to keep up with the work they would be getting.

60% of our clients are marketing themselves through SEO as well as either Google Adwords or Facebook advertising. This is more or less a hybrid approach. SEO isn’t always enough for some businesses, so adding another service can make up for this. The other 40% are only doing SEO, which has been effective enough to get their business where they want it to be.


Digital marketing might seem confusing or even scary for some business owners. Let’s face it, finding quality digital marketing services can be a long and daunting process all in itself!  Always remember, your company needs it, if you are wanting to grow and beat out your competition, this is your best bet!

Local SEO        Google Adwords